Results for 'Lucía Bernal Cerquera'

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  1. Aletheia, un proyecto en crecimiento.Lucía Bernal Cerquera - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 5 (1).
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  2. Páginas Legales.Alba Lucía Bernal Cerquera - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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  3. Aletheia abre las puertas a nuevos horizontes.Alba Lucía Bernal Cerquera - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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  4. La estructura de la bioquímica metabólica.Ana Donolo, Lucía Federico & Pablo Lorenzano - 2016 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 7:49--72.
    The structuralist reconstruction of the metabolic biochemistry here presented is a more complete and revised version than the one presented in Donolo, Federico & Lorenzano (2006). This version, as the previous one, continues with the reconstructive task initiated by César Lorenzano (2002), but advances further on those elements which remained pendent of reconstruction: applications subsequent to the paradigmatic one, for being these “too diversified and numerous” (p. 210).In line with which is said before, the objective of this new reconstruction is (...)
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    Psychometric properties of the survey work-home interaction nijmegen in Argentinian population.Elena Lucía Colasanti, Estanislao Castellano, Lucas Lapuente, Luciana Sofía Moretti & Leonardo Adrián Medrano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Frictions between work and family life have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing negative consequences on the mental health and quality of life of workers. Without validated instruments, it is not possible to determine the impact of Work-Family and Family-Work conflict. To date, no studies have been conducted to provide evidence of the validity and reliability of The Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen in the population of Argentine workers. The SWING was administered to 611 Argentine workers of both sexes aged between (...)
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    No Detectable Electroencephalographic Activity After Clinical Declaration of Death Among Tibetan Buddhist Meditators in Apparent Tukdam, a Putative Postmortem Meditation State.Dylan T. Lott, Tenzin Yeshi, N. Norchung, Sonam Dolma, Nyima Tsering, Ngawang Jinpa, Tenzin Woser, Kunsang Dorjee, Tenzin Desel, Dan Fitch, Anna J. Finley, Robin Goldman, Ana Maria Ortiz Bernal, Rachele Ragazzi, Karthik Aroor, John Koger, Andy Francis, David M. Perlman, Joseph Wielgosz, David R. W. Bachhuber, Tsewang Tamdin, Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang, John D. Dunne, Antoine Lutz & Richard J. Davidson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recent EEG studies on the early postmortem interval that suggest the persistence of electrophysiological coherence and connectivity in the brain of animals and humans reinforce the need for further investigation of the relationship between the brain’s activity and the dying process. Neuroscience is now in a position to empirically evaluate the extended process of dying and, more specifically, to investigate the possibility of brain activity following the cessation of cardiac and respiratory function. Under the direction of the Center for Healthy (...)
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  7. Characteristics of Labor Well-being in Colombian Micro and Small Enterprises.Johanna Lucía Gutiérrez Cristancho, Luis Alberto Molano Quintero, Martha Doris Corzo Rodríguez & Yijadd Ordoñez Yaber - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:682-702.
    This article presents the analysis of the characteristics of labor well-being in Colombian micro and small enterprises, this was developed through a documentary review from the model of Hoyos (2010), it is a qualitative research, where 42 investigations were collected, which were consulted in databases such as: Science Direct, Refseek, Redalyc, Scielo, Google Scholar and Dialnet, in addition to exploring the repositories of Colombian universities such as: UNAD, Uniminuto, ECCI, Usanbuenaventura, EAFIT, Unipiloto, UGranada, UTecnológica, UJavieriana, UAndes, UCatólica, UNIR, among others, (...)
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  8. De la Sisif la Prometeu: (curente de idei în filosofia contemporană).Lucia Dumitrescu-Codreanu - 1977 - București: Editura Politică.
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  9. Trabalho Colaborativo: um conceito polissêmico // Collaborative Work: a polysemic concept.Carmem Lúcia Lascano Pinto & Leite - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (3):143-170.
    O Trabalho colaborativo é apontado como um suporte aos desafios existentes no campo educacional, ocupando lugar central em inúmeras políticas educativas. Entretanto, a complexidade do conceito nem sempre é apreendida pelos envolvidos nestes processos. O artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa com o objetivo de dentificar os sentidos da concepção de Trabalho Colaborativo, e a relação que lhe é atribuída com a aprendizagem. Para isso, recorre a opiniões de diretora e professoras de uma escola de educação básica, e professores do (...)
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    La psicologia di Abelardo e il Tractatus de intellectibus.Lucia Urbani Ulivi - 1976 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. Edited by Peter Abelard.
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    Pedro Abelardo, Ética o conócete a ti mismo (Buenos Aires, 2023).Victoria Lucía Valdez - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (2):114-116.
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    As Formas do Conteúdo, de Umberto Eco.Maria Lucia Del Farra - 1974 - Discurso 5 (5):155-160.
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    A Metáfora Crítica, de João Alexandre Barbosa.Maria Lucia Del Farra - 1975 - Discurso 5 (6):61-72.
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    Ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing: A rapid evidence assessment.Annamaria Bagnasco, Lucia Cadorin, Michela Barisone, Valentina Bressan, Marina Iemmi, Marzia Prandi, Fiona Timmins, Roger Watson & Loredana Sasso - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):111-122.
    Background: Paediatric nurses often face complex situations requiring decisions that sometimes clash with their own values and beliefs, or with the needs of the children they care for and their families. Paediatric nurses often use new technology that changes the way they provide care, but also reduces their direct interaction with the child. This may generate ethical issues, which nurses should be able to address in the full respect of the child. Research question and objectives: The purpose of this review (...)
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    An ethical evaluation of the legal status of foetuses and embryos under Chinese law.Vera Lúcia Raposo & Zhe Ma - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (1):38-49.
    Under Chinese law, the juridical status of the embryo and the foetus is unclear, mainly because the existing legislation can be subject to diverse interpretations due to its ambiguous language. Lack of clarity with the law has led to different understandings amongst Chinese legal scholars. However, although there has been no consensus, there has been a clear tendency to deprive embryos and foetuses of legal status or personhood, thereby excluding them from entitlement to fundamental rights, an understanding reinforced by the (...)
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    La relación entre la teoría de la justicia de Hume y Rousseau.Humberto Lozano-Vargas & Andrés Botero-Bernal - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 44 (129).
    El presente artículo consta de tres partes. La primera consiste en analizar el concepto de justicia dentro del pensamiento de David Hume en las obras Tratado de la naturaleza humana e Investigación sobre los principios de la moral. La segunda aplica el el proceso anterior pero a las obras de Jean Rousseau Contrato Social y Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres. La tercera establece que las concepciones sobre la justicia, tanto las del escocés como las del (...)
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    ¿Qué significa hacer una experiencia hermenéutica con el arte?R. Beatriz Elena Bernal - 1998 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):45-57.
    El ensayo procura explicar la noción de experiencia en el arte desde la filosofia hermenéutica. Para ello desarrolla los siguienres pasos: 1. Su temporalidad como una experiencia de la actualidad en el encuentro de los interlocutores, la obra de arte y el receptor. 2. La importancia de la conversación como modelo para el encuentro. 3. El reconocimiento y la apertura de un horizonte de sentido. Esta experiencia es un acomecimiento que lo cambia a uno mismo e implica por lo tanto (...)
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    Collocations and other lexical combinations in Spanish: theoretical, lexicographical and applied perspectives.Sergi Torner Castells & Elisenda Bernal (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    This edited collection presents the state of the art in research related to lexical combinations and their restrictions in Spanish from a variety of theoretical approaches, ranging from Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology to Distributed Morphology and Generative Lexicon Theory. Section 1 offers a presentation of the main theoretical and descriptive approaches to collocation. Section 2 explores collocation from the point of view of its lexicographical representation, while Section 3 offers a pedagogical perspective. Section 4 surveys current research on collocation in Catalan, (...)
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  19. Evolución de la preparación a la jubilación en la empresa.José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano, José Luis Malagón Bernal & Evaristo Barrera Algarín - 2007 - Aposta 35:1.
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    Note de lecture.Lucia de Anna & Alessio Covelli - 2015 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 9 (3):257-261.
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    Una conversación infinita: Filosofía y teoría literaria.María Lucía Puppo - 2025 - Tábano 25:e11.
    Este trabajo examina las intervenciones de la filosofía en los programas de Teoría de la Comunicación y Teoría y Análisis del Discurso Literario, dos asignaturas pertenecientes a la carrera de Letras (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UCA). Concretamente, se pasa revista a tres núcleos temáticos (la construcción discursiva de la otredad, la hermenéutica y la deconstrucción como prácticas de lectura y la delimitación de las fronteras entre ficción y realidad) que surgen en los estudios literarios y exigen respuestas filosóficas, instaurando (...)
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    Macao Report: Informed Consent in a Multilingual and Multicultural Region, a Bioethical Challenge.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (3):385-396.
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    Avaliação da educação: o uso dos resultados do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) no contexto escolar.Sandra Lúcia Ferreira & Luiz Dalmacir da Silveira - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021039.
    A proposta que se insere neste artigo é a de ampliar a discussão sobre a presença da Filosofia na Educação Básica, a partir das formulações propostas pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular, instituídas a partir do Parecer CNE n. 15/2017 e da Resolução CNE n. 2/2017 e suas relações com o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, realizado, anualmente, pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, órgão vinculado ao Ministério da Educação e aplicado a estudantes e egressos do sistema (...)
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    A obra de arte segundo Jean-Paul Sartre.Rúbia Lúcia Oliveira - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):114-133.
    Neste artigo analisamos a arte na perspectiva de Jean-Paul Sartre. A partir de sua obra Que é a literatura? demonstramos como as artes se distinguem e porque o escritor pode ser mais engajado que os demais artistas. Para o filósofo francês é possível dizer de arte significante e arte não-significante. A poesia, a pintura e a escultura são não-significantes enquanto que a literatura, por lidar com signos, é significante. Existe uma escolha comum a todos os artistas, contudo, a opção pela (...)
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    Ainda alguns esclarecimentos sobre a filosofia kantiana, de Arthur Schopenhauer.Maria Lúcia Cacciola - 1998 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 4:89-106.
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    Early substance consumption and problematic use of video games in adolescence.Adélaïde Coëffec, Lucia Romo, Nathalie Cheze, Hélène Riazuelo, Sophie Plantey, Gayatri Kotbagi & Laurence Kern - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Wayne Bowman and.Ana Lucia Frega - 2012 - In Wayne D. Bowman & Ana Lucía Frega (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education. Oup Usa.
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    Paredes Martín, Mª C. y Bonete Perales, E. (eds.), La filosofía y el amor, Universidad de Salamanca, 2020, ISBN 978-84-1311-381-4, 200 pp. [REVIEW]María Lucía Levy Malta - 2021 - Studia Hegeliana 7:131-134.
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    Poems by Salvador Bernal.Salvador Bernal - 1998 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2 (2):295-298.
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  30. Pommier, Éric. La condition sensible. Hermann, Paris, 2022, 204 pp. [REVIEW]Bryan-Francisco Zúñiga-Iturra & Francisco-Javier Parra-Bernal - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:197-204.
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    J.D. Bernal's The social function of science, 1939-1989.Helmut Steiner & J. D. Bernal (eds.) - 1989 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Dialectical Materialism and Modern Science.J. D. Bernal - 1937 - Science and Society 2 (1):58 - 66.
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    The Social Function of Science.J. Bernal - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49:377.
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    The Nurse as Patient Advocate.Ellen W. Bernal - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (4):18-23.
    The claim that nurses should be patient advocates is a questionable one, especially when it is mixed in with the professional issue of nurses' freedom to practice. A less combative, more cooperative model of the profession would serve nurses better.
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  35. Descripción de la función familiar de veinte mujeres víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar psicológica, de la comuna cuatro Del municipio de armenia en el 2010.Lina María Valencia Cerquera & José Alonso Andrade Salazar - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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  36. El desarrollo del estado liberal.B. Enrique Bernales - 1979 - In Enrique Bernales B. (ed.), Burguesía y estado liberal. Lima: Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo.
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    A Brief Bioethical Perspective on Work in the Field of Health.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2017 - In P. Gargiulo (ed.), Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update - Vol. II. pp. 69-76.
    Work in the field of health has been distorted over the years, with the emergence of new health systems that have made the delivery of services a real business. As a result, the field has lost not only the motivation with which it originated, but also the human quality of providing health care. It is not new to say that exercise of the medical profession is in crisis. The causes of this predicament can be found in policies and health systems (...)
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    Itinerario de la eutanasia en Colombia. Veinte años después.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (2).
    A lo largo de veinte años el tema de la eutanasia ha estado presente en casi 80 escritos publicados en la revista Persona y Bioética, un acervo nada despreciable si se quiere profundizar en el tema y conocer las bases que llevan a sostener que la eutanasia no puede ser un acto médico, y que sus consecuencias son nefastas para las personas y las sociedades, al tratarse de uno de los más señalados ejemplos de la cultura de la muerte. La (...)
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    La edición de genes a estudio: Los problemas bioéticos que puede tener esta nueva tecnología.A. Gamboa-Bernal Gilberto - 2016 - Persona y Bioética 20 (2).
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    La indicación fenomenológica de la conciencia : entre la alteridad levinasiana y la excedencia cartesiana.Francisco Parra Bernal - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 3:349.
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    Ética de la investigación y de la publicación científica: reto y propuesta para científicos y editores.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Bioética 19 (1):e4222.
    La investigación en general y la investigación biomédica en particular han de tener como uno de sus resultados obligados la publicación científica, para su visibilidad y mejor aporte a la sociedad, sin embargo, muchas veces se encuentra un desbalance entre el cuidado ético de la investigación y las consideraciones éticas de la publicación. Esta diferencia puede repercutir negativamente y de manera directa sobre la credibilidad y la factibilidad de reproducibilidad de la primera y las posibilidades de difusión de la segunda, (...)
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    Gravity Is Not Attraction; It’s a Push (Space-Time Expansion Theory).Bernal Thalman - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):48-75.
    The space-time expansion has a new perspective on the universe phenomena. In this article, the key features of the Space-Time Expansion Theory are summarized and discussed, with three postulates incorporating different insights into the behavior of space-time expansion, gravity, space-time curvature, and time itself. Gravity is not an attraction; it is a push. Inertia, free fall, the principles of the theory of relativity and some other phenomena support the author’s assertions. The expansion of space-time is universal, occurs everywhere, and produces (...)
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    La vulnérabilité et la limite font partie de l’identité et de la perfection de Dieu.Lucia Ferretti - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (1):131-135.
  44. Stuff versus individuals.Lucía Lewowicz & Olimpia Lombardi - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (1):65-77.
    The general question to be considered in this paper points to the nature of the world described by chemistry: what is macro-chemical ontology like? In particular, we want to identify the ontological categories that underlie chemical discourse and chemical practice. This is not an easy task, because modern Western metaphysics was strongly modeled by theoretical physics. For this reason, we attempt to answer our question by contrasting macro-chemical ontology with the mainstream ontology of physics and of traditional metaphysics. In particular, (...)
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    The Origins of Writing.Martin Bernal & Wayne M. Senner - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):826.
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  46. Materialism and the Subjectivity of Experience.Reinaldo Bernal - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (1):39-49.
    The phenomenal properties of conscious mental states happen to be exclusively accessible from the first-person perspective. Consequently, some philosophers consider their existence to be incompatible with materialist metaphysics. In this paper I criticise one particular argument that is based on the idea that for something to be real it must (at least in principle) be accessible from an intersubjective perspective. I argue that the exclusively subjective access to phenomenal contents can be explained by the very particular nature of the epistemological (...)
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    Promoting Justice Across Borders: The Ethics of Reform Intervention.Lucia M. Rafanelli - 2021 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book explores when, and using what means, global political actors are morally justified in promoting their own ideas of justice in foreign societies. It develops ethical principles we can use to judge when such activities (“reform interventions”) are justified. In so doing, it re-conceives the traditional boundaries of politics and lays the foundation for a politically-engaged cosmopolitanism.
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    “No hay tiempo que perder”: disincronía temporal, desfactificación y psicopolítica como paradigmas del neoliberalismo contemporáneo.Andrés Botero Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (79):179-207.
    El presente escrito tiene por objetivo demostrar cómo el estado actual del capitalismo neoliberal, entendido como una fuerza productora de la subjetividad basada en el rendimiento [síntesis de la disciplina (Foucault) y el control (Deleuze y Guattari) que se cataliza con la digitalidad (Han, Berardi, Fisher, entre otros)], se centra en ejercer una colonización frente al tiempo como concepto estructural de la existencia humana para poder desplegar un sistema de dispositivos psicopolíticos que le permitan su reproducción sistémica. Para conseguir este (...)
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  49. ""¿ Es relevante lo" dado" para la justificación?Jorge Ornelas Bernal - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7:115-133.
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    Immobility and the self: A clinical-existential inquiry.Ellen W. Bernal - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (1):75-92.
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